Thursday, 29 August 2013

Little and Large

A quick progress report on the English Paper Piecing projects:

The four corner squares of the Gameboard quilt are done.  These finish at 12 inches.  Here they are with their papers still in.  The next step will be to do the four squares which make up the playing area for the game.  I will leave the central "home" square until last. I've been doing some Wiki research on the rules of the American game Parcheesi, and the British game Ludo.  In Parcheesi, the players progress round the board anti-clockwise but in Ludo they go clockwise.  There are loads of variants to both games.  I think I'm going to modify the Minick and Simpson pattern to make it a bit more like our Ludo.

On the tiny front, I've got this far with the Liberty Lawn hexagons. There are sixty-one 3/4 inch hexagons in this 6 1/2 inch piece, which will probably turn into a pin cushion.  I'm hoping it will turn out half as nice as Fabadashery's and have started researching local suppliers of crushed walnut shells for the filling.  It's ruinous to buy it online because the weight makes the postage expensive.

Linking up with Lily's Quilts Small Blog Meet


  1. Your blocks are great! I love Architextures. Those little hexies are really cute too!

    p.s. do you know your word verification is on?

  2. I love the star blocks, they're really cool

  3. Those corner blocks are great! I also love the architextures fabric. I keep meaning to try and find some for my stash.

  4. Nice to meet you. :)

    I love those star blocks. Great fabric choices. Your pictures are lovely.

  5. The hexies are so tiny! And look so gorgeous sewn up. I love the description you have put in of yourself, and had a chuckle. Also think your banner is cute.

  6. Those stars blocks are amazing. And those blue hexagons, whatever will be, they are gorgeous.

  7. those tiny hexagons are so pretty...I admire anyone who works with this small of a hexie

  8. I've never tried curves with EPP, maybe I should, yours look so crisp!
    Check local pet supply shops for the walnut shells-- here they sell them as Reptile bedding, about $15 for 10 lbs. Thanks for linking up.

  9. Sweet Liberties are perfect for pincushions! Great idea. I want to make one of these, too. I usually stuff my pincushions with wool batting scraps.


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