They are very good quality leather. But I didn't want to pay £195. Could I make one out of fabric?
Here's the inside.
Of course the prototype had to be blue. And it had to be Liberty Lawn.
The construction caused me several headaches. While I was making it I had a few ideas on how I could have constructed it differently. I don't usually make two of anything but this might be the exception.
Here's my first effort:
There is so much wrong.
- the outer zip looks ragged - I had to unpick it twice. It's still uneven.
- the inner zip does not work properly - I used a cheap one that I had on hand.
- I could not get my stitches close enough to the edge around the curves even using a zipper foot.
- The bottom credit card slot is too shallow.
I have a new respect for anyone who can make this type of thing successfully. Maybe that Liberty purse is actually worth £195?