Monday, 16 March 2015

More Moorish Patterns

I had coffee with a faithful blog reader last week.  She commented that I hadn't posted recently and its true, I've been on Instagram. But I have been sewing - I'm now on the third arabic / islamic / moorish pattern.

Here are all three together.  They might end up being joined together, or not.

This book by Eric Broug was a great help with this third one.   The spider graph paper was downloaded from Incompetech - I found this worked better than using the polar graph paper I had used before for these circles

The cat helped me to draw the lines of the design.  

 I could then print off as many sheets as I wanted.  

The piecing got a bit complicated in the middle, where the shapes are not regular.  It's so easy to end up sewing the wrong edges together but I resorted to numbers and arrows.

The original plan was to stop at four pieces, and the block is currently about 14 inches square, but I might make it bigger. Depends how much of the Oakshott I've got left.  Dithering and floundering as usual.

Joining up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. I've missed your posts too! I love the patterns and the fabrics.

  2. Phew! Thank goodness for cats helping ... there's no way we would get anything done or figured out without them (tongue planted firmly in cheek!) I'd love to see all of these patterns come together somehow :)

  3. Wow, a fantastic pattern.
    I like it.
    Greetings, Manuela

  4. That is super. Love red pentagons.

  5. I love these patterns. I bought a dress with a Moorish tile print recently. My husband pointed out that it is so shapeless it looks a bit like a blue and turquoise nightie, but I love it anyway!

  6. This is lovely. I will now read backwards through your blog to see more (-:

  7. Well your "dithering and floundering" sure looks amazing! I would vote to joining all three pieces together... it would make such a stunning and interesting quilt.

    Greetings from Germany!


  8. these are absolutely GORGEOUS! I love the Moorish patterns, too! You are so clever in the way you are making them. Fabulous!

  9. I really like all your geometric patterns, your colour choices are perfect!

  10. They are beautiful!!! I also agree that your choices in colors makes these quilts stunning! Thank you for all your work and time spent in creating these art textiles! You have now sparked my own interest in Arabic/ Islamic/ Moorish patterns! Thank you also for taking the time to blog about your current work! Marsha from Houston, Texas

  11. Do you have more detailed instructions on how to do this? It's amazing


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