Sunday, 27 March 2016

Circle in a square EPP

I'm calling this block circle in a square but its proper name is unknown to me.  I'm sure I didn't invent it!

I drew the pattern on to graph paper and numbered the pieces before cutting them out - that helps me to keep everything more of less lined up.

The fabrics are genuine vintage - they come from an amazing Australian online store called A Piece of Cloth and I believe they are sources from the USA.    So diffferent to work with - the colours are so vibrant.  Many of the fabrics were glazed so a bit hard to get the needle through - otherwise I had no problems .

At the moment I am hand quilting this - rather inexpertly - but practice makes perfect!


  1. Such a lovely clash of colours and prints ... I'm really enjoying watching you create this one. My hand quilting always gets better right towards the end of the job, typical!

  2. Love the pattern and thanks for showing how you planned it on the graph paper, but I'm wincing at the thought of you sewing the glazed cottons.

  3. You are so creative! I love these colorful squares!


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