Monday, 21 April 2014

Monday Morning Progress Week 3

This "low volume" piece is the right shape to be attached to the indigo blue piece. I have not joined them yet because both pieces need to grow and might turn in to separate objects. At the moment I am just having fun playing with shapes, scale and pattern - I still have no firm plan.

The two pieces are exactly the same size but the blue piece has 103 pieces and the low volume only 39 - and took much less time to put together.  The red squares are 2cm x 2cm.  I normally work in inches but the graph paper I used for the paper pieces was metric- you can't buy it in inches any more.

I have been looking at other EPP projects through Life Under Quilt's Monday linky and there are some very impressive projects with pieces in the thousands.  I may have a long way to go!

The comments I had last week were much appreciated - one or two mentioned the contents of the cupboard so here is a view of the top shelf.  The best toys are on the bottom shelf - come back next week to see that!


  1. Oh I love this! It's fabulous! That's a lot of hard work in there x

  2. Wow both pieces are wonderful. The blue one is my favorite.

  3. So clever, looking fabulous!

  4. Inspiring I wouldnt have thought to put 2 together and the love vol shows up incredible..coming from the Monday linky party..

  5. Oh cool. I have never tried octagons, but I love the look of your low volume piece. Great job. keep going ;)

  6. Both of them are wonderful, and the octagon shapes make for a really good assembly / production line.. but the work that has gone into the blue piece is mind blowing. Keep Going!

  7. Very nice! I love the blue.

  8. Wow! They are both very beautiful...I love that they would work well together or all on their own...I cannot wait to see what you do with these...

  9. Awesome! Both pieces are so beautiful and I can't wait to see what you decide to do with them.

  10. I love this design...especially the low volume light...what next?


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