Monday, 28 April 2014

Monday Morning Progress Week 4

This week I have been working on a third pattern (the one on the left in the photo).  I don't think I have invented this shape - but I have not found that it already has a name.  Irregular heptagon is not very catchy - what about plectrum, or dragon's claw?

Here's the back - most of the papers are still in place.

I have an idea for another pattern to keep me busy next week.  It that works out I will then need to decide how big this needs to get and start making each section bigger before joining the pieces together.

This week's piece adds another 38 pieces to the count for the Monday Morning Star Count over at Life Under Quilts.


  1. It´s going to be so beautiful!!! I have seen this pattern often for floor-tiles and always though about, how to sew it with the machine - Y-seams are a must for it.
    So curious about the finished quilt :)

  2. This is definitely science meets craft, brilliant and a little bonkers...

  3. Very nice! I hadn't seen this before.

  4. I love how you surprise us, keep going~

  5. They are so beautiful. I like them all.

    Greetings, Manuela

  6. I love the indigo piece with the clamshells, triangles and squares.

  7. How fascinating. That new shape is so like a tear drop or rain drop. I LOVE it. What a wonderful idea to use different shapes in the same project.

  8. Love the design!


  9. Very cool! I love experimenting with design.

  10. Fabulous!!! Really, I always look forward to checking out what you have been working on!!!


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